Contributor Post

As Professor of Education at New York University, I am ambivalent about Mayor Micheal Bloomberg’s education reform efforts in the city.

While I can appreciate the Mayor’s focus on academics, there is still a great deal that needs to be accomplished.

“None of the policy fixes he’s mentioned will address this problem, and if he doesn’t find a way to tackle it, his legacy in education will be at best incomplete.”

Education Primer Post

Early on in New York Mayor Micheal Bloomberg’s first term, he assured all New Yorkers that the was dedicated to ensuring a quality schooling for every child within the five boroughs. So much so that Bloomberg asked onlookers to call him the “Education Mayor”.

Over the years, Mr. Bloomberg has repeated his pledge to increase parents’ participation. But while student scores and other records are more accessible to families online and parent coordinators now serve as liaisons to the schools, the disconnect remains profound.

Welcome to the Education Primer

Only the educated are free.

Only the educated are free.

Welcome to the Education Primer. The conversations held here are pursuant to improving the state of education. Education is one of life’s most precious resources. Education is the gift none can take away. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. believed that the purpose of education

“… is to teach one to think intensively and think critically”.

Let us do all that we can to ensure that our neighbors; both near and far, have the opportunity to share in this exquisite vision. It is education that allows one to change the world. The dynamic societies in which humanity thrives shaped by education.