The STEM curriculum promises to impact not only education, but the competitiveness of the nations workforce.
National Math and Science Initiative
ExxonMobil became a founding sponsor of the National Math and Science Initiative (NMSI) in 2007 with a $125 million commitment to the non-profit organization, which is focused on dramatically improving math and science education in the U.S.
To better prepare students and teachers for the world of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), NMSI replicates proven programs with quantifiable results – such as the Advanced Placement (AP) Program™ and UTeach™ – on a national scale. NMSI programs are currently in 29 states.
NMSI is effecting change in schools across the country, dramatically increasing AP math, science and English exam pass ratesOn average, schools in their first year of implementing NMSI’s AP Program have demonstrated a 72 percent increase in the number of qualifying scores on AP math, science and English (MSE) exams, compared to a 7.2 percent increase nationally. Female students demonstrated an 87 percent increase in MSE exams passed, compared to 8.3 percent nationally; minority students demonstrated a 105 percent increase in MSE exams passed, compared to 16.2 percent nationally. for students participating in the AP Program. By fostering increased access to this rigorous, college-level coursework for all students, NMSI is also helping to close achievement gaps for minority and female students.
A critical component in raising the bar on math and science education is providing high-quality professional development for current teachers, as well recruiting and preparing a new corps of motivated and gifted math and science teachers. Through its AP Program and Teacher Training Program, NMSI has trained more than 60,000 teachers across the country.
NMSI’s hallmark teacher preparation program at the university level, UTeach, is working to build the quality of our future teacher corps. This program ensures that new teachers have both a deep knowledge of math and science as well as the expertise on how to teach these subjects effectively. UTeach is implemented in 34 universities in 16 states, with an enrollment of more than 6,000 students.
Based on current enrollment, UTeach graduates will go on to impact more than 4 million math and science students. The goal is to expand this program to 50 campuses in the next decade.
More information pertaining to ExxonMobil Foundation Initiatives & UTeach is available online at http://www.exxonmobil.com/Corporate/community_math_nmsi_uteach.aspx